Organization Structure

The Chandigarh Housing Board has a Board of Directors comprising of the Chairman and 8 other members, appointed by the Administrator, Union Territory, Chandigarh.

Chairman, CHB.

The official members
  •  Finance Secretary Chandigarh Administration or his nominee
  • Chief Executive Officer, CHB.
  • Estate Officer, U.T. Chandigarh
  •  Chief Architect, Deptt. of Urban Planning U.T., Chandigarh.
  •  Chief Engineer, U.T., Chandigarh
The non-official members
  • Dr. Balbir Singh Dhol, PCS (Retd.), #449, Sec.20-A, Chandigarh.
  • Ar. Vinod Joshi, (Class-I) (Retd.), #1277, Sec.19, Chandigarh.
  • Sh. Shakti Prakash Devshali, S.C.F.-36, First Floor, Sec.29-D, Chandigarh.

Organisational Chart

The functions of the CHB are as follows

1. Engineering Wing

The Engineering Wing of the Chandigarh Housing Board is presently headed by the Chief Engineer. There are two Superintending Engineers who supervise and co- ordinate the working of 8 divisions (5 Civil, 2 Public Health and one Electrical & Architect Wing).

2. Accounts Section

The Accounts Section has a Chief Accounts Officer and five Accounts Officers. This section prepares the Budget estimates for approval by the Board of Directors, coordinates with the Chandigarh Administration for allotment of land, calculates the cost of houses and the schedule of instalments, and maintains record of payments of instalments by the allottees of the Board. The Accounts Section also handles work relating to allotment of land to the Cooperative House Building Societies.

3. Administration Branch

The Administration branch assists the Secretary of the Board in maintaining the record of Board of Directors proceedings and coordinates follow up of Board of Directors decisions. It handles other administrative matters and service matters of Board employees.

4. Legal Section

The legal section of the Chandigarh Housing Board handles all legal matters relating to Board and watches the interest of the Board in Court cases.

5. Enforcement Wing

Enforcement Wing of the Chandigarh Housing Board ensures that there are no building violations/misuse by the allottees in the dwelling units and issue notices from time to time. In case of such violations, it ensures demolition of unauthorized, illegal structures in the dwelling units, takes possession of the houses resumed by the Board etc.

6. Computer Cell

Computer Cell of the Board has been set up to ensure complete computerization of the working of the Chandigarh Housing Board so that speedy and efficient service to the allottees is given.

7. Reception Counter

Reception counter of the Board receives the letters/applications from the public, other departments and dispatches are made through this section. This section also provides information and blank forms to the public.