- Waiving of fee of Standard Designs of Need Based Changes No.1319-21 dt.19.09.2019
- List of Registered Structural Engineer of Chandigarh Administration
- Performa for Certificate of Structural stability for CHB dwelling units
- List of Empanelled Private Architects of Chandigarh Administration for practicing under Self-Certification Scheme
- Need Based Changes (Office Order No.02 dated 03.01.2023)
- Office Order No.193.dated 19.07.2019
- Office Order No. 127 dt.14.09.2021
- Standard Procedure for approval /regularization of additional Construction alongwith Form-A, Form-B and Request Letter
- List of Structural Engineer for Renewal of Registration for the year 2022-24
- Office Order No.105, dt.27.03.2024